I should be sleeping..
In catching up on my reading of various webcomics I ran across what appears at first glance to be a pretty funny site linked on Mousewax. Brandon who is currently participating in the The Daily Grind is really feeling the burn. If you are not aware the grind is a webcomics competition requiring a post daily with other various and much bemoaned rules. Just the thought of having to come up with material everyday breaks me out into a cold sweat. The purse is rather small and at the rate they are going they must be in it simply for the bragging rights, because they are gonna see about 2 cents per strip return for their efforts. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I sort of, kinda, not really, feel your pain Brandon, hang in there!
On to my point, which was the link: Beach Ninja I rather enjoyed the current strip, and whole heartedly believe that day is coming. More importantly however was the link in Beach Ninja’s blog to this: Calvin and Hobbes! Ah, I love the smell of burning credit card in the morning. Simply the best traditional newpaper comic ever.